Each download in the Transfer tab has a coloured bar to show current file availability and progress.
(flat style)
Black shows the parts of the file you already have
Red indicates a part missing in
all known sources
Different shades
of blue represent the availability of
this part in the sources. The darker the blue, the higher the availability
Yellow denotes a part being downloaded
The green bar on top shows the
total download progress of this file
(flat style)
A green bar stands for a completed download.
(flat style)
A dark red or blue progress bar denotes a stopped or paused download.
If you expand the download you see its sources with the corresponding bar. To
see the sources just double-click a download (or single click, depends on the
settings in Preferences -> General). Here the colours have a slightly
different meaning:
Black indicates parts you already have
Blue are parts you still need
for this download
stands for parts this source is also missing
Green parts are currently downloading
Yellow denotes a pending (already
requested) part
Source Count
The four values xx / yy +aa (zz) displayed after the progress
bar is the source count for this file and shows following information.
• xx - Number of useful sources
• yy - Total number of sources
• + aa - Number of Asked for another file sources (only shown
when Advanced Controls enabled)
• zz - Currently transferring sources
Obtained Parts
This bar appears in the upload queue if supported by the other client. It shows
the progress of the file this user is downloading.
Black are parts this user has already completed
ones are parts still missing
Green parts are currently uploading
Yellow denotes a pending (already
requested) part
Availablity of shared files
Each shared file show its availabilty in the form of a bar. The color coding
is similiar to the one used with the progress bar
Red indicates a part missing
in all known sources
Different shades
of blue give an idea how well spread different
parts are
Last update on: 2003-09-27 by Monk